Our AmeriPlanUSA® Conversation Email

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Our AmeriPlanUSA® Conversation Email

This is an email that I use to send to someone after I have finished the whole phone script with them and they did not sign up immediately.  It is an overview of everything we discussed.

For you to use this, please feel free to copy and paste it to wherever you would like to save it.  I put mine in my email program and save it to my desktop so when I need to send out an email, I just go to my desktop and double-click on the email that I need to send.  Very easy!

Don't forget to EDIT with your information!


Email Subject Line:  Our AmeriPlanUSA® Conversation
It was so nice talking to you about AmeriPlan® and getting to know you!  I appreciated you sharing with me your life and why you would like to change your current situation. 
The way I see it, we have a choice to either accept the things we aren't satisfied with OR to stand up and take charge to change them.
That is why I was so drawn to AmeriPlan®. 
I knew the hard part was already done.  AmeriPlan® has been in business for 13 years with almost 2 million members using their services.  They have already proven themselves.  That's what you call
a STRONG, SOLID company. 
All I had to do was to "stand up and take charge to change my current situation" because I was tired of accepting the way our life was! 
I wanted to send you this information so you will be able to make a well-informed decision about joining us.  I don't want you to join us until you are as comfortable with AmeriPlan® as I am.
After you read all of this information, let me know if you have any questions.  I'm looking forward to talking to you again.
Please check our company out with the BBB:
AmeriPlan® is a member in good standing of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The Dallas Better Business Bureau, The Texas Retailers Association, and The National Association of Dental Plans.
Visit our team members page to see how people just like YOU are turning their lives around:  MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS!  http://www.newbrokers.com/leaders.html
The Dallas Business Journal chose to write about AmeriPlanUSA® in their March 2001 issue.  You can read the article here: http://www.ameriplanusa.com/dallasbj.asp
Probably the biggest concern most of us have before we commit to any company is the INTEGRITY of the business we are thinking of joining.  So, please take the time to check us out.
AmeriPlanUSA® has been in business 13 years and is the nation's largest and fastest growing discounted health benefits company offering a low cost, high value, dental, vision, prescription, and chiropractic plan.
The company is now a $100,000,000 (yep, that's one hundred million) debt-free corporation with impeccable integrity.  That's the most important thing to most of us, and I'm sure it is for you, too.
Because this is a business, you will be an Independent Business Owner for AmeriPlan®.  This is just like if you were to go and start any other business (a restaurant, daycare, salon, etc.) there is an initial investment and on-going monthly expenses in any business.
The same is true for us.  Just MUCH smaller...
You can get started in AmeriPlan® for either $95.00 or $295.00. 
These are just two different broker kits.  The $295.00 broker kit has more sales aids in it (brochures, applications, DVD's, etc.), as well as, $450 IN BLOOM BUCKSTM (Sales Aids Certificates).
Usually the people that get started with the $295.00 broker kit feel like they will need the sales aids.  It is an awesome deal because of the $450.00 you will get in free sales aids. 
However, you can also get started with the $95.00 broker kit.  It doesn't matter which you choose.  You get paid the same with either broker kit.  
All work-at-home brokers pay a recurring $35.00 monthly broker fee.  It is worth it!  Plus...You will be making more than this!
This is what you get for your broker fee:
--  The Dental, Vision, Prescription, and Chiropractic Discount
     Benefits For Your Entire Household
--  AmeriPlan® Services Our Members For Us
     (They handle shipping membership kits, collections, and customer service.)
--  Your AmeriPlan® Back Office
     (Where you go to see your business, the money you are making, etc.)
--  Corporate & Team Training
--  Conference Call Training
--  Broker Support (They are there to help us work-at-home brokers!)
--  Regional Offices (Free training & business briefing meetings.)
--  Broker Benefits (Discounts on Travel, Legal Help, Dell Computers, etc.)
When new members enroll in our discount plan, we are paid anywhere from $4.00 to $12.00 every single month for every single member we enroll.  The exact pay depends on what plan they enrolled in
When new brokers enroll to work at home, we are paid $21.00 for either 5 months in a row or 12 months in a row for every single broker we enroll.  Then $10.50 every single month after that for every single broker we enroll.
Plus, when you enroll JUST 6 members & 4 brokers in your first 30 days, you will be paid a $500.00 BONUS!
Once you move up in the company, you are 100% vested. Your
business is then sellable, which means you could sell it if you want to,
and it is willable, which means you can leave it in your will to your loved ones. Also, you will begin to receive overrides on the work that is done from other people in your team.
If you would like to hear for yourself about how much money
stay-at-home moms are making, about the benefits, about the
compensation plan, and a whole lot more, please call this number: 
1-580-431-2808.  Just listen to the menu and choose what you
would like to hear about.
Call:  1-580-474-3685  Access Code:  99477#
Monday - Friday  9PM Central Time
When you are ready to start your own home-based business, I'm
here and ready to help you to be very successful:
Call Me:    1-877-465-3610
Website:   www.iboplus.com/cheri  Click On:  "Get Started Today!" 
Please let me know if I can answer any questions for you.  I would be happy to welcome you to the AmeriPlan® family and help you to make your dreams come true!
Many Blessings,   
Cheri Flaming
Regional Sales Director
Eastern Kentucky
    1-877-465-3610 (Toll-Free Voice Mail)
There are over one million members using our discounted
benefits program and there is a 90% retention rate of people
keeping their memberships!  That says a lot about AmeriPlan®!   
AmeriPlan® was a featured guest on American Medical Review.
Hosted by Morley Safer from 60 Minutes.  Watch & Listen:
Visit our team members page and see how people just
like YOU have turned their lives around:
AmeriPlan® is a member in good standing of BBB:
AmeriPlan® is a member in good standing of the US Chamber
of Commerce, The Dallas Better Business Bureau, The Texas
Retailers Association, and The National Association of Dental Plans.

The Opticians Association of America endorses our vision plan.
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